For the health of men affects a wide number of circumstances. Bad habits, bad environment, and the use of multiple medications, the volatility of the psychological, the emotional, and the atmosphere is just a little bit, it affects the health of men. But there are factors that can affect it is very difficult, for example, a change in the echo dysfunctional region, the most pure. And there are circumstances in which a change in the power of any one man. A discussion about nutrition. After all, it is not a secret for anyone that there are foods that will increase the power output, and thus there are many products on the aggravating circumstances of the erectile dysfunction (ed). As it should be in the diet to increase potency in men?

Food is for power
The Menu for the male reproductive health should be varied and well-balanced diet (lean meat, fish, seafood, fruits, and vegetables). The men often ask the question: what to eat in order to increase the power output.
Foods that increase sex drive in men:
- mackerel;
- in the liver, and
- green;
- cottage cheese;
- fig;
- lemon juice;
- apples,
- fat;
- the radish;
- carrots;
- The BlackBerry jams;
- up their sleeve.
When the right combination of products in the man diet for strong erection is guaranteed!
Some of the exciting products for men, they are also valid for women. For example: strawberry, avocado, chocolate, and ginger.
Recipe for men's health
The products are useful for male of the body of the pet in the home can be transformed into delicious dishes. Nutrition-to-gain-strength for men, as a rule, there should be high-calorie. Basically, it is a product which is of natural origin with a high content of proteins, vitamins, minerals and other useful nutrients.
Pasta with fruits of the sea
The whole world knows that the fruits of the sea, the most powerful of aphrodisiacs. And, in addition to pasta of durum wheat that they give it not only a fantastically delicious dish, but a tidal wave of masculine power.
List of ingredients:
- 400 g seafood (prawns, mussels, oysters);
- 250 g of sour cream;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- cheese;
- green onions;
- onion;
- in the olive oil.
- The pasta on to boil, then add the olive oil, get in the way.
- Wash and cut up fruits of the sea.
- Sauté over medium heat in a pan the garlic and the onion.
- Then, you add the navy, a cocktail, and cook, covered, for 3-5 minutes.
- Place the green onions, the moisture to evaporate, then add the cream, milk, and seasonings; bring to a boil.
- Place the seafood in the pasta, stir, and keep warm.
- Sprinkle with the cheese and the firm.
Scrambled eggs with onions
It is, apparently, a simple meal, has a remarkable ability to improve erectile function. It doesn't matter how you are going to prepare this dish. The important thing for him it was a chicken's or quail's eggs, and green onions.
Chocolate-cocktail -
Cup of hot Chocolate without any additives, has always been regarded as a drink offering on the sex drive. For the prevention of urological diseases, as well as in the strengthening from the erection to the men, the daily recommended to dissolve a slice of bitter chocolate.
To prepare for the party, you will need to:
- 50 g dark chocolate (75%);
- 0,5 glass of milk;
- 70 ml of coffee in nature.
- 1. h. l., to sugar;
- 3-pc. for the cardamom;
- the nut-meg.
- Pre-heat the milk.
- Add the sugar and the chocolate.
- Banana crush in a blender.
- Make a mixture of banana, coffee, and chocolate milk.
- Sprinkle with the cardamom and the nutmeg.
- Mix them until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
- Pour it into a glass.
Drink this cocktail, it is recommended that prior to the sexual intercourse. Because of all of the ingredients are in the products to increase the potency. It is proven that chocolate contributes to the excitement and to get the most for the state of ohio.
Products that will improve erectile function
Products, to the increase in the strength of the men, looking in any kitchen. It is a natural product and contains no preservatives or colouring agents do not contain large amounts of cholesterol, and a good influence on digestion. All the products are honey, beans, spinach, fresh tomatoes. But not all of the food that increases the potency in men, to act instantly. These products are:
- Syhdinner (the camel's stomach);
- oysters,
- berries (raspberry, blueberry);
- the seeds of the pumpkin or squash;
- Mare;
- turnips.
With the word, and the use of a vegetable is well known since the ancient times. And the turnip in a stew-form, and its seeds are one of the tools, which enhances the erection.
The product can reduce the power
With this, the better it is for the power fixed. Now, consider the products, they reduce the sexual function of:
- For the beer). One of the most evil enemies of men's health. The frequent consumption of beer and meet a man from the rise of the female hormones – estrogen.
- The sugar in it. If it's a man's, exceeds the rate of consumption of sweets (that's 6 teaspoons of sugar), it can meet the challenge of reducing the power output.
- Semi-finished products. Even a child knows about the dangers of ramen noodles or a pair, you only need to heat it up. This food damages the health of the people in general, and of its power, in particular.
- Trans. Cheap solid oil, which is very much have a negative impact on the health of men. You see, the mayonnaise, and the products of potato chips, popcorn, and industrial products for the confectionery industry.
How does it affect the series, the power

The series is a denial of the right to the meat of the animal-derived food products. The people on the plant-based diet is the norm for life – long. Most of the time, they claim that the lack of meat is likely to positively affect your health and sex life. But is that really true?
Products, to vegetarian, to improve the potency in men – fact or fiction? After all, from the point of view of a doctor – there's no animal fat, has a negative effect on the production of the testosterone. And this hormone, as it is known, is responsible for the functioning of the male reproductive system. In addition, the meat contains a single, essential amino acids.
In fact, the controversy over plant-based diet doesn't go away. Proponents and opponents to argue their position, rather proud. Do not let us take the advantage, will choose the one that is useful for power, it remains with each one of them. Even so, vegetarianism is not the most terrible thing that can be carried away with the modern man.